Get This Please!
Note from Jesus
Dear Disciple,
Don't miss this truth: "The Son of Man didn't come to ruin the lives of people, but He came to liberate them." No matter what happens to Me on the way to the cross, I won't use My power for Myself or My preservation even though I have the power to defend Myself and defeat every enemy I have to face. I came to liberate people. I came to liberate you!
I came to liberate you from your fear about the future and your fear about your work and worship being wasted.
I came to liberate you from the human principle of retaliation and the mistaken notion that violence in return for violence can bring peace.
I came to liberate you from the stranglehold of demonic powers and the fear of death.
I came to liberate you from having to prove you are significant, worthy, and acceptable to God.
I came to liberate you from the mistaken notion that everyone will accept Me. Don't grow angry with those who reject Me and don't retaliate against those who push Me away. There are many others who need Me and My grace; move on from those who reject Me and My message and reach those who are seeking and searching.
Once again, I remind you: "The Son of Man didn't come to ruin the lives of people, but He came to liberate them."
Don't miss this truth: "The Son of Man didn't come to ruin the lives of people, but He came to liberate them." No matter what happens to Me on the way to the cross, I won't use My power for Myself or My preservation even though I have the power to defend Myself and defeat every enemy I have to face. I came to liberate people. I came to liberate you!
I came to liberate you from your fear about the future and your fear about your work and worship being wasted.
I came to liberate you from the human principle of retaliation and the mistaken notion that violence in return for violence can bring peace.
I came to liberate you from the stranglehold of demonic powers and the fear of death.
I came to liberate you from having to prove you are significant, worthy, and acceptable to God.
I came to liberate you from the mistaken notion that everyone will accept Me. Don't grow angry with those who reject Me and don't retaliate against those who push Me away. There are many others who need Me and My grace; move on from those who reject Me and My message and reach those who are seeking and searching.
Once again, I remind you: "The Son of Man didn't come to ruin the lives of people, but He came to liberate them."
Verses to Live
My disciples did some dumb things out of fear and confusion. Today you see James and John wanting to do something stupid and insensitive out of confusion and fear; they wanted to destroy some people who didn't welcome Me. Notice how I point them to the positive aspect of My mission rather than letting them become focused on their anger at those who rejected Me. My followers need to hear the same message in your day!
The time approached for Him [Jesus] to be taken back up to the Father; so strong with resolve, Jesus made Jerusalem His destination.
He sent some people ahead of Him into the territory of the Samaritans, a minority group at odds with the Jewish majority. He wanted His messengers to find a place for them to stay in a village along the road to Jerusalem. But because the Samaritans realized Jesus was going to Jerusalem, they refused to welcome them.
James and John (outraged):Lord, do You want us to call down fire from heaven to destroy these people who have rejected You?Jesus (turning toward them and shaking His head):You just don't get it. The Son of Man didn't come to ruin the lives of people, but He came to liberate them.He led them on toward another village.
(Luke 9:51-56)
Response in Prayer
Almighty God, help me remain focused on why Jesus came and why You sent Him into our world. In everything I do, including my efforts to reach and teach the lost, I want to reflect the purpose, character, and compassion of Jesus, in Whose name I offer this prayer. Amen.