Prayer Power Unleashed
Note from Jesus
Dear Precious Child of the Father,
Today I want you to read the prayers of Paul for the new Christians in Thessalonica. Frequently your scholars break each of these letters into two parts:
Everything Paul said, did, and taught was surrounded and incubated in prayer. Paul was remarkable in so many ways. He was My messenger, especially to the Gentiles. He was a church planter among the nations in various cultures. In addition to these great attributes, Paul was extremely dedicated to prayer. To their own peril, some church leaders in every age have ignored the power of intercessory prayer. They have forgotten to pray with thanksgiving for beloved disciples in whom I AM doing My work. The leaders can be seduced by the devil to think that their plans and their power have accomplished the great things done among them. Paul did not do this. Prayer was his daily fuel!
As you read his prayers below, remember that Paul prayed like this for all of the churches. In nearly all of his letters, he prayed for many people by name and indicated that he did so every day, for years. Feel the love in his prayer language. Recognize that Paul knew that he could take new disciples only so far in their growth. He knew they needed Our — Father, Son, and Spirit's — presence, intervention, and grace to grow into the places they needed to be. Feel Paul's affirmation in his thankfulness for these disciples. Take note of the themes he addressed in his teaching that were first addressed in prayer. Appreciate Paul's affection in the emotional weight of the words he chose when he prayed. Paul's prayer ministry with the Thessalonians was a vital part of his ministry with them, to them, and for them.
Today I want you to read the prayers of Paul for the new Christians in Thessalonica. Frequently your scholars break each of these letters into two parts:
- Paul's love for and relationship with My Thessalonian disciples (1 Thessalonians chapters 1-3; 2 Thessalonians chapter 1).
- Paul's practical teaching about morality to new Thessalonian Christians (1 Thessalonians chapters 4-5; 2 Thessalonians chapters 2-3).
Everything Paul said, did, and taught was surrounded and incubated in prayer. Paul was remarkable in so many ways. He was My messenger, especially to the Gentiles. He was a church planter among the nations in various cultures. In addition to these great attributes, Paul was extremely dedicated to prayer. To their own peril, some church leaders in every age have ignored the power of intercessory prayer. They have forgotten to pray with thanksgiving for beloved disciples in whom I AM doing My work. The leaders can be seduced by the devil to think that their plans and their power have accomplished the great things done among them. Paul did not do this. Prayer was his daily fuel!
As you read his prayers below, remember that Paul prayed like this for all of the churches. In nearly all of his letters, he prayed for many people by name and indicated that he did so every day, for years. Feel the love in his prayer language. Recognize that Paul knew that he could take new disciples only so far in their growth. He knew they needed Our — Father, Son, and Spirit's — presence, intervention, and grace to grow into the places they needed to be. Feel Paul's affirmation in his thankfulness for these disciples. Take note of the themes he addressed in his teaching that were first addressed in prayer. Appreciate Paul's affection in the emotional weight of the words he chose when he prayed. Paul's prayer ministry with the Thessalonians was a vital part of his ministry with them, to them, and for them.
Verses to Live
Paul was formally a citizen of Rome. He was a citizen of Jerusalem during his rabbinic training. He was also a citizen of the world in his ministry. He knew multiple cultures and multiple languages. He knew how to travel over land and sea. He was trained as a Jewish rabbi, yet was called to reach the non-Jews of the ancient world. He was willing to be eternally damned if it meant the salvation of his own people — the Jews (Romans 9:3). He also risked his life repeatedly to take My gospel to Gentiles (2 Corinthians 6:3-5).
Paul's power to do all of this was rooted in his relationship with Me. His prayer life kept him connected to the Father through the intercession of the Holy Spirit. Read these prayers of Paul for the Thessalonian Christians several times and be blessed!
Paul's power to do all of this was rooted in his relationship with Me. His prayer life kept him connected to the Father through the intercession of the Holy Spirit. Read these prayers of Paul for the Thessalonian Christians several times and be blessed!
We always thank God for all of you in our prayers. Your actions on behalf of the true faith, your tireless toil of love, and your unfailing, unwavering, unending hope in our Lord Jesus the Anointed before God our Father have put you consistently at the forefront of our thoughts.
(1 Thessalonians 1:2-3)
May God Himself, our Father, along with our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, navigate our way to you. May the Lord flood you with an unending, undying love for one another and for all humanity, like our love for you, so that your hearts will be reinforced with His strength, held blameless and holy before God, our Father, when our Lord Jesus, the Anointed, the Liberating King, appears along with all His holy ones. Amen.
(1 Thessalonians 3:11-13)
So now, may the God of peace make you His own completely and set you apart from the rest. May your spirit, soul, and body be preserved, kept intact and wholly free from any sort of blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus the Anointed. For the God Who calls you is faithful, and He can be trusted to make it so.
(1 Thessalonians 5:23-24)
Brothers and sisters, we cannot help but thank God for you, which is only appropriate because your faith is growing and expanding and because the love demonstrated by each and every one of you is overflowing for one another.
(2 Thessalonians 1:3)
All this is why we are constantly praying for you, so God will make you worthy of the great calling you have received from Him and will give you the power to accomplish every good intention and work of faith. Then the great name of our Lord Jesus will be glorified through your lives, and you will be glorified in Him according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, our Liberating King.
(2 Thessalonians 1:11-12)
Now may our Lord Jesus (the Anointed One Himself) and God our Father (Who has loved us, comforted us eternally, and given us a good hope by His grace) bring comfort to your hearts and strengthen your wills to accomplish every good work and word.
(2 Thessalonians 2:16-17)
And now, dear friends, may the Lord of peace Himself grace you with peace always and in everything. May the Lord be present with all of you.
(2 Thessalonians 3:16)
Response in Prayer
Father, forgive me. As I read these prayers of Paul, I am convicted. I am convicted of trying to do too much on my own. I am convicted of not seeking Your grace and power. I am convicted of praying too little. I am convicted of not letting others know of the good things I am praying for them. Help me, dear Lord, as I try to make prayer a more important part of my day, a greater part of my discipleship, and a bigger part of blessing others. I ask for this help and Your grace in Jesus' name. Amen.